Alpha Chi Rho, Zeta Tau Alpha Crowned AirBand Champions

Photo Credit: Samantha Dutch

Nate Fanell, Contributor

Robert Morris University hosted its annual AirBand event on Friday inside the UPMC Events Center for the first time, after previously being held the rec center. AirBand is a lip sync and dance competition between four sororities and seven fraternities and requires extensive planning.

The event also serves a much bigger purpose than determining which sorority and fraternity put on the best performance. It also serves as a charity event to raise money towards the fight against leukemia.

It was announced that AirBand raised over $700 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. The amount will be matched by Leroy Ball, CEO of Koppers, meaning the event totaled over $1,400 in donations.

When asked about being part of an event that supports such a cause, Zoe Kubitz, a sister from Zeta Tau Alpha, reiterated that the event is important because proceeds are donated to a charity.

“It’s so important to do it for a bigger cause. That’s what it’s all about and we are so glad that we were able to raise money.”

Elias Wagner, a brother from Alpha Chi Rho, also commented on how it felt to be a part of something that went towards an important cause.

“At the end of the day it’s all for a good cause. People can get real competitive, but it’s really about helping raise money for charity.”

The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha and brothers of Alpha Chi Rho were announced the winners of AirBand, while Delta Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta were crowned Greek Week champions.

Photo Credit: Samantha Dutch

When asked about what it meant to win the competition, Madison Sieg, another sister from Zeta Tau Alpha, acknowledged how grateful she is to see all the hard work pay off.

“It’s absolutely incredible. We put all this hard work into AirBand over the past couple weeks and it’s amazing to see it come to life.”

Elias Wagner was also appreciative of the result after the time and effort put in by his fraternity.

“It means a whole lot. We put weeks into this and to see it payoff like this, it can show your heart. I’m feeling very emotional right now.”

AirBand is one of the biggest events on campus, and both sororities and fraternities on campus go all out to put on the best performances possible. An extensive amount of time goes into planning and choreographing each performance, to go along with remarkable costumes.

Wagner explained the ‘magic’ behind AirBand and why each sorority and fraternity puts so much time and effort into it.

“It’s the magic of it. It’s a great way to end off the week… for me it’s just being able to go all out and get into it. Greek Week gets competitive, but it’s a great way to have fun, so it’s a great mix of both.”

A sister from Zeta Tau Alpha also states why AirBand is such a big deal during Greek Week.

“It brings all the fraternities and sororities together and brings us closer together,” Kubitz said.

Overall, AirBand was once again a huge success and an incredible experience for all. AirBand and Greek Week will return to campus next year.