Preparing for spring break

Spring break is approaching fast, and everyone is ready for a break. But weather doesn’t exactly agree.
Yesterday, we experienced more snow and what seems like an extension to the already never-ending winter. I’m sure I’m not the only one who will agree that it is still a miserable task to walk to and from class in the cold. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That glimmer of light is called spring break.
Unfortunately, it looks like the chances of sunlight over spring break are slim. But there are still many ways to relax over the weeklong break, no matter what the weather.

If you happen to be staying on campus, use this opportunity to catch up on assignments, read a book, cook something, or watch Netflix until your eyes fall out. Above all, take this opportunity to catch up on sleep or go out on a limb and go to the gym for a workout. This is also a perfect time to sign up for a zip car for a day to venture into the city and explore the fun activities. My personal favorite is the Sky Zone which is a building filled with trampolines for good fun exercise.

For those of you lucky enough to head home over break utilize this time to catch up with family, go do activities with friends you wouldn’t be able to do here at school, and of course catch up on sleep.

For the rest of you who are going on a vacation either to a beach or somewhere warmer, I’ll set my jealousy aside and give the advice to wear sunscreen, stay safe in unknown areas, and have fun!

While spring break seems like time to throw cares away, that does not mean any assignments due upon return should be put off until the last night of break. Split the assignments into sections or even get it done first thing allowing you plenty of relaxation and time to recover for the second half of the semester.

With this mini vacation, spring fever will be even more of a threat to the second half of the semester, but I have high hopes that with warmer weather, things will be looking brighter.