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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

You’re Tearing Up the Dance Floor Honey: Fantasy Tips Week 7

Daniel Kitchen, NFL Staff Writer
October 20, 2012

My iPod has no sense of what writing ethics are. I ask it to play on shuffle one song, and that will be my title. Not only does it pick Nickleback, a band I will most likely take heat for even mentioning, but it picks a song I can not say the name of for fear of having my blog...

Paul Ryan pays a visit to Moon Township

Patrick Ryan, News Editor
October 20, 2012

The presidential bid for office of the President of the United States made yet another stop this morning in Moon Township. En route to Belmont, Ohio, Vice Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan got off his flight at Pittsburgh International Airport and made an appearance at a rally....

Presidential debate: round two recap

Patrick Ryan, News Editor
October 19, 2012

This past Tuesday in the presidential debate, Obama surprised everyone, clearly earning the, “most improved,” award. If you compare Obama’s appearance last ngiht to the one two weeks ago, he was much more aggressive and established his place on the stage. Was it enough...

Presidential debate: round two preview

Patrick Ryan, News Editor
October 16, 2012

Tonight will be the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama, and the challenger, Mitt Romney. The debate follows the Vice Presidential debate just a week before between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden, which, was a split decision on the victor based on whom you ask....

Political Polars: Freedom of Speech or National Security?

Political Polars: Freedom of Speech or National Security?

Maria Mauti, Contributor
October 15, 2012

Thousands have protested. Endless commentary, documentaries, internet video responses have been ignited. An attack on a U.S. Embassy and the death of an innocent leader--a public call for action by the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and a commercial apology from President...

RMU Public Relations Club travels to San Francisco, blogs in real-time

RMU Public Relations Club travels to San Francisco, blogs in real-time

October 15, 2012

From Oct. 13 through Oct. 16, RMU’s PR club members will be attending the Public Relations Society of America’s (PRSA) 2012 International Conference in San Francisco, California. Throughout the course of their trip, they will be frequently posting to their blogs through this...

Paul Ryan and Joe Biden set to square off in debate

Patrick Ryan, News Editor
October 11, 2012

Paul Ryan, the Republican Vice Presidential candidate and Mitt Romney’s running-mate, is set to square off against the incumbent Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, Oct. 11. Depending who wins the debate, it could be either catastrophic for the Democratic party, more specifically...

Work Hard, Play Hard: Fantasy Tips Week 6

Daniel Kitchen, NFL Staff Writer
October 10, 2012

The title this week comes fromt he current song on during my AXP study hours session. Wiz Khalifa never fails to get me in a better mood, and pumped for football (The man loves the Steelers. Automatic win.) Last week, I saw my blog reach a higher level of followers, and I like...

Life after Littlefield: Pirates 2012 Recap: Catcher

Life after Littlefield: Pirates 2012 Recap: Catcher

Jarrod Blumer, Contributor
October 10, 2012

I’m going to start this post by saying that the Pirates have not had a “real” catcher since Jason Kendall was traded by the one and only, Dave Littlefield.  Since then, it has been a revolving door behind the plate, as the Pirates have had 17 different catchers play a...

First presidential debate breakdown

First presidential debate breakdown

Maria Mauti, Staff Writer
October 9, 2012

According to The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Mitt Romney and President Obama are both gaining support from 48 percent of voters nationwide. According to, “One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and three percent (3%)...