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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Photo credit: Payton Hostetler

Documentary Photographer Pays RMU a Visit

Payton Hostetler, Reporter
October 22, 2023

On Tuesday, October 17th, RMU welcomed local documentarian Stephanie Strasburg for a public lecture in the Wheatley Atrium. Based in Pittsburgh, Strasburg has spent the majority of her professional career producing photos and videos for various news outlets. She currently...

This week on campus 10/16-10/21

This week on campus 10/16-10/21

Bethany Naughton, Reporter
October 17, 2023

Though we are halfway done with October, there are still plenty of exciting events happening here at RMU. Here's what's going on this week on campus! Stephanie Strasburg: Love listening to stories? Well, catch Stephanie Strasburg where there will be visual storytelling in...

Growing Through What You Go Through

Growing Through What You Go Through

Rylee Satcho
October 11, 2023

Tuesday, October 10th is World Mental Health Day. Thrive is a program on campus that strives for outreach for mental health and wellness initiatives. Peer educators held an event on the 3rd floor of the Nicolson Center called Let Your Mental Health Bloom Potting Succulents. When...

This Week on Campus: 10/2 - 10/8

This Week on Campus: 10/2 – 10/8

Jesse Mccullough, Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor
October 2, 2023

Though September is over, it doesn't mean campus life is any less exciting. Here's a snapshot on what's going down on campus this week! NSLS Bake Sale Fundraiser: Looking for a Monday morning pick-me-up? Stop by the National Society of Leadership and Success' bake sale happening...

Born with Passion, Growing with Vision: The "Real Meal Reception" at the Rooney House

Born with Passion, Growing with Vision: The “Real Meal Reception” at the Rooney House

Mitchell McIntosh
September 29, 2023

Wednesday evening, I had the great privilege of being invited to the Rooney House by RMU's esteemed Rooney Scholar, Dr. Nicolas Bogs. The occasion was the "Real Meal Reception" which is an exclusive dinner party hosted at the Rooney House every second Wednesday evening. The...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter: 9/19/2023 – 9/25/2023

Evelyn Luthringer
September 29, 2023

9/19/2023 Departmental Information: Parkhurst was advised a former employee was making staff feel uncomfortable. The head chef will notify the former employee not to return to campus. The case is closed.   9/20/2023 Failure to Stop at Stop Sign: RMU Police conducted...

Rapper Lil Tjay makes an appearance at the UPMC Events Center for his 'Beat The Odds' Tour

Rapper Lil Tjay makes an appearance at the UPMC Events Center for his ‘Beat The Odds’ Tour

Jadyn Barker, Reporter
September 27, 2023

Lil Tjay kicked off his Beat The Odds Tour in Moon Township, PA at the UPMC Events Center. The night started off with the show's openers, a trio of rappers. Fivio Foreign who is from Brooklyn, New York, as well as Dej Loaf and Skilla Baby, who both hail from Detroit, Michigan,...

Opinion: Every Student Should Go to "Hangout with the President"

Opinion: Every Student Should Go to “Hangout with the President”

Colby Sherwin, Editor in Chief
September 27, 2023

After hearing for a year about "Hangout with the President," I finally went to see what it was all about. "Well, hey everybody! Grab some food: we have pizza, and let's talk!" You got a smiling face when Dr. Michelle Patrick walked out of her office as you sat in her conference...

Rooney Lecture: Beyond Autobahn and Oktoberfest with Dr. Nicolas Bogs

Rooney Lecture: Beyond Autobahn and Oktoberfest with Dr. Nicolas Bogs

Evelyn Luthringer
September 25, 2023

For the Fall 2023 semester, RMU welcomed Dr. Nicolas Bogs as the Rooney Scholar. Thursday, September 28th from 3:30 to 5:00 in Hopwood Hall, the Center for Global Engagement will be hosting Rooney Lecture: Beyond Autobahn and Oktoberfest with Dr. Nic. Dr. Nic will talk about...

This Week on Campus 9/25-10/1

This Week on Campus 9/25-10/1

Finn Lyons, Head Arts and Entertainment Editor
September 25, 2023

With September coming to a close, here's what is happening on campus this week. September 26th: Join the Office of Residence Life at the Ross lounge for a VR event that tests your fear of heights. The event will take place from 8-9 p.m. and there will be pizza! September...