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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Photo Credit: Lil Tjay

Rapper Lil Tjay to Make Stop at UPMC Events Center

Nathan Breisinger, Reporter
April 12, 2023

New York City, rapper Lil Tjay has announced a tour stop at the UPMC Events Center on May 19. The concert will come amidst his European "Born 2 Be Great Tour." Prior to his stop in Moon Township, Lil Tjay will perform in France. He will have nearly a month off before taking...

Sororities and fraternities painted signs of their upcoming Airband themes showcased at the firepit this afternoon. Photo credit: Samantha Dutch

Airband Themes Announced Across Greek Life

Samantha Dutch, Assistant Social Media Director
April 11, 2023

If you are on campus this week, chances are you are seeing an abundance and variety of events going on with Greek life. Over the past five days, RMU fraternities and sororities have been celebrating Greek Week, where they participate in many different competitions and at the...

Photo Credit:

The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Reviews Are In

Colby Sherwin, Reporter
April 10, 2023

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has come out to some mixed reviews from critics and fans. This short hour and half movie is quite the ride. With such a little run time a lot is packed in. If you plan to see the movie but want to know what to expect first, only read to spoiler free...

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Star Wars: Bad Batch Season Two is a Massive Step Up From Season One

Finn Lyons, Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor
April 10, 2023

Star Wars: The Bad Batch season one was met with a lot of mixed reviews. While season one had some great episodes, it was mostly made of filler episodes with little character development. Season two started off not too promising with the same issues season one had. The first...

Photo Credit:

Incubus Coming to UPMC Events Center

Hope Beatty, Head Arts and Entertainment Editor
April 3, 2023

The popular rock band, Incubus, is coming to the UPMC Events Center this summer joined by special guests Badflower and Paris Jackson. The rock band was formed in 1991 in California and consisted of original members Brandon Boyd, Mike Einziger, and José Pasillas along with...

Photo Credit: Strong Women Strong Girls

Strong Women Strong Girls: Celebrating Women All Year

Bethany Naughton, Head Social Media Director
April 1, 2023

In 1987, March was declared Women's History month by President Ronald Regan. With March, also known as Women's history month, coming to an end, the on-campus organization Strong Women Strong Girls' Chapter Directors Adi Lemmon and Bella McGregor shared their experiences of...

On Thursday and Friday, the Massey Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation andRockwell Fellows program partnered to host pop up shops in the Nicholson Center.

Photo Credit: Grace Santavicca

Students Show Off Products at Pop Up Shops

Samuel Goldberg, Contributor
March 31, 2023

Over the course of the next two days, Robert Morris is hosting several small business pop up shops in the Nicholson Center. The pop up shops are featuring students and alumni of Robert Morris who want to feature their small businesses and products. The pop up shops started...

Photo Credit: Cameron Macariola

Center for Global Engagement Hosts Global Karneval at PNC Cafe

Cameron Macariola, Head Multimedia Editor, Colonial Sports Network
March 30, 2023

As the Robert Morris University student body entered the PNC Cafe to get their dinner, they were greeted with a multicultural celebration. The Center for Global Engagement (CGE) hosted their Global Karneval for all to enjoy. The Center for Global Engagements' Tabitha Slater...

Photo Credit: Bailey Noel

Winter 24-Hour Gaming Marathon: Gaming Through the Storm

Maximus Tate, Contributor
March 29, 2023

On Saturday and Sunday, the Top-Secret Colonials hosted their 19th 24-Hour Gaming Marathon. The 24-Hour Gaming Marathon is an event where students play video games for a full 24 hour period to help towards a charity or cause. Proceeds from the 24-Hour Gaming Marathon event...

Photo Credit:

Multicultural Representation Across Campus: How Organizations are Heard

Hope Beatty, Head Arts and Entertainment Editor
March 28, 2023

Cultural representation is sparse around the United States, but it is even more of a problem on college campuses. The president of Robert Morris University’s chapter of the National Council of Negro Women, Kaylin Majeran, has experienced this first hand. “I think representation...