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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/ Melanie Hulse)

RMU School of Business opens the Center for Sales Excellence

Melanie Hulse, Director of Operations
February 11, 2020

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First Amendment on Trial Episode 4: Freedom of Assembly

November 21, 2019

First Amendment on Trial presents Episode 4: Freedom of Assembly. First Amendment on Trial is broadcast live from the campus of Robert Morris University.

RMU Tonight |11-20-2019|

November 20, 2019

Watch as host Kestra Harris gives late night Television an RMU twist. Broadcast from the RMU-TV studio on the campus of Robert Morris University in Moon Township Pennsylvania, it's RMU Tonight.

RMU Focus |11 15 2019|

November 15, 2019

Check out RMU TV's NEWEST show where RMU students break down all the events happening on campus as well as some big events in the Pittsburgh area. Broadcast Live from the RMU-TV Studio on the campus of Robert Morris University in Moon Township PA.

First Amendment on Trial presents Episode 3: Freedom of Religion

November 14, 2019

First Amendment on Trial presents Episode 3: Freedom of Religion. First Amendment on Trial is broadcast live from the campus of Robert Morris University.

Sports Talk In the Burgh |11-13-2019|

November 13, 2019

Watch as Luke, Tyler and Jon break down local and national sports. Sports Talk in the Burgh is broadcast Live from the RMU-TV studio on the campus of Robert Morris University in Moon Township Pennsylvania.

RMU Focus |11-08-2019|

November 8, 2019

Check out RMU TV's NEWEST show where RMU students break down all the events happening on campus as well as some big events in the Pittsburgh area. Broadcast Live from the RMU-TV Studio on the campus of Robert Morris University in Moon Township PA.

First Amendment on Trial | Episode 2: Freedom of Speech

November 7, 2019

First Amendment on Trial presents Episode 2: Freedom of Speech. First Amendment on Trial is broadcast live from the campus of Robert Morris University.

RMU Tonight |11-06-2019|

November 6, 2019

Watch as host Kestra Harris gives late night Television an RMU twist. Broadcast from the RMU-TV studio on the campus of Robert Morris University in Moon Township Pennsylvania, it's RMU Tonight.