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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Lunar Gala: CMU's dazzling fashion show

Lunar Gala: CMU’s dazzling fashion show

Ryan Bunker, Staff Writer
February 21, 2013

This past Saturday, I attended CMU’s 17th Lunar Gala, and let me just say, I was awestruck! From spectacular lighting, models that didn’t miss a step, dancers who displayed moves I didn’t even know were possible, and outstanding fashion, there was no low point in the evening....

Talking a preforming live on RMU radio Wednesday afternoon.

Radio jam session, Mountain of Leopards on campus

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
February 20, 2013

RMU radio hosted Katie Schecter and Saul Conrad spoke and preformed as guests on RMU radio this afternoon, Wednesday Feb. 20.

Valentine's Day candy grams

Valentine’s Day candy grams

Danielle Bertrand, Contributor
February 14, 2013

On Wednesday, Feb. 13, the Pre-Med Club sold candy grams for Valentine's Day. The sale was located in the Nicholson Food Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Club members Ashley Peters, Emily Hauser, Kristin Thompson and Bri Bell excitedly shouted, "Candy Grams!" to passing students....

Local residents speak out against airport fracking

Local residents speak out against airport fracking

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
February 9, 2013

This past Thursday evening, RMU played host to a public hearing of the Allegheny County Council. This hearing focussed on the issue of using hydraulic fracturing on land owned by the Pittsburgh International Airport. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette is reporting that Consol Energy,...

AXP members looking out at the droves of their greek peers.

Meet the Greeks

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
January 23, 2013

The Nicholson food court has gone greek tonight, Jan 23, with members from each of the respective greek organizations on campus  to showcase their fraternities and sororities. Greek minded students crammed into the table filled space to meet and greet with representatives from...

Winterfest brings Holiday Cheer to RMU

Winterfest brings Holiday Cheer to RMU

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
December 9, 2012

RMU students gathered together in the Nicholson food once again Saturday afternoon, Dec. 7, to to take part in the annual Winterfest celebrations. Students in attendance were given the opportunity to make build-a-bear bears and bead jewelry, take part in wax hand dipping,...

Dr. John Lawson reading to the group.

Voices Speaking in Romo’s

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
November 28, 2012

A group of students from RMU’s creative writing classes gathered in Romo’s cafe Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 27, for the “Voices of RMU” poetry reading. Events began at two o’clock with original works preformed by Dr. John Lawson and Dr. Jay Carson. The readings continued,...

Etiquette On Campus

Etiquette On Campus

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
November 13, 2012

RMU students gathered in Sewall center this evening, Nov. 13, to expand their knowledge of manners and etiquette when in a dining environment. Led by speaking guest Karen Dajawi, students learned about each stage of a five course meal, and how to react in a variety of businesses...

Run for a cause

Run for a cause

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
November 3, 2012

More than 20 runners from the RMU campus and surrounding area trekked out into the cold this morning, Saturday, Nov. 3, to take part in the seventh annual Susan Hofacre memorial walk/run. Beginning at 9 a.m runners and walkers alike began the grueling five kilometer course across...