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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

RMU offers options for summer housing

RMU offers options for summer housing

Malyk Johnson, Assistant News Manager
April 11, 2018

Robert Morris University is changing the way students will be able to live on campus during the summer. The Office of Residence Life sent out an email to students Wednesday detailing the options for its summer housing program. Residence Life will offer three different options...

Photo credit: Katey Ladika

RMU renovating residence halls in next five summers

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
April 11, 2018

Robert Morris University just announced that over the next five summers, major changes will be made to the 14 residence halls on campus. "Robert Morris University will make major improvements to most of its 14 residence halls, including restoring lounges, renovating bathrooms,...

Police Blotter 4/03/18-4/09/18

Police Blotter 4/03/18-4/09/18

April 10, 2018

4/03/18 -Student Conduct- Officers viewed a student vaping inside of Scaife Hall. Contact was made with the student who was advised they would be sent through Student Conduct for their actions. (closed) 04/03/18 -Elevator Alarm- This department was notified of someone stuck...

RMU Media Arts Department documents Sewickley

RMU Media Arts Department documents Sewickley

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
April 8, 2018

On March 15, the Robert Morris University Media Arts Department held A Portrait of Pittsburgh / Hay-on-Wye event. Seven students and three professors met in Sewickley, Pa., to document the town and share the photos with students at the Hereford College of the Arts. Hereford...

Photo credit: Megan Shandel

Third bald eagle hatches in Pittsburgh nest

Gage Goulding
April 6, 2018

A third bald eagle has hatched from its egg in Pittsburgh. The eaglet hatched from its egg to join two other eaglets in the Hays neighborhood of Pittsburgh. This new eaglet is the third and final egg in the nest. Two other eggs are expected to not hatch says the Audubon Society...

Police Blotter 3/27/18-4/2/18

Police Blotter 3/27/18-4/2/18

April 3, 2018

03/27/18 -Trouble Alarm-Guardian reported a trouble alarm activated in Salem Hall.  Officers responded and found the cause to be from the students cooking.(closed) 3/27/18 -Departmental Information-A student came to the Police Department to file a report for an incident that...

In September of 2001, the 130-year-old, haunted Grand Midway Hotel was bought by Blair Murphy for $11,000. Now, that hotel is being turned into an Airbnb.

Haunted Grand Midway Hotel opens as Airbnb

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
April 2, 2018

In September of 2001, the 130-year-old, haunted Grand Midway Hotel was bought by Blair Murphy for $11,000. Now, that hotel is being turned into an Airbnb. Although it needed things like windows and walls fixed, the hotel now has 32 rooms, with two open for Airbnb and more...

Photo Credit: Alexa Headley

Robert Morris University announces its summer housing plans

Malyk Johnson, Assistant News Manager
April 2, 2018

Robert Morris University has begun sign-ups for its summer housing program for the 2018 summer semester. Summer housing will take place from May 9 until July 23. Students who are living on campus in the fall will be allowed to live on campus after July 23. This year, students...

Police Blotter 3/20/18-3/26/18

Police Blotter 3/20/18-3/26/18

March 28, 2018

3/20/18 -Traffic Stop- A traffic stop was initiated on Campus Drive.  A warning was issued to the driver at the conclusion of the stop. (closed) 3/20/18 -Theft- Students reported items missing from their room in Salem Hall.  This incident it under investigation at this...

Photo credit: Dr. Carl Ross

RMU’s Nursing program returns from 101 trips to Nicaragua

Malyk Johnson, Assistant News Manager
March 27, 2018

Robert Morris University's School of Nursing and Health Science recently returned from Nicaragua. Dr. Carl Ross is a professor at the school and faculty adviser during the trips. Dr. Ross has been on 101 trips to the nation. Ross originally went to Nicaragua when he worked...