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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Thomas the Tank Engine coming to Kennywood Amusement Park

Thomas the Tank Engine coming to Kennywood Amusement Park

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
February 15, 2018

This year, Kennywood Amusement Park is introducing a new attraction called Thomas Town to be built in their 120th year of business. Kennywood has partnered with Mattel, the brand owner of “Thomas and Friends.” The park is building an attraction with five rides. Thomas...

Wendy’s drive-thru horse comes to RMU

Gage Goulding, News Editor
February 15, 2018

MOON TOWNSHIP - Marcella Gruchalak was driving home from a charity event with her horse, Funny Bunny, who goes by Buns for short, and decided to stop and get him a treat. What she thought was just rewarding her horse for good behavior and knocking something off her bucket list...

Valerie Gaydos announces candidacy for State Representative at RMU

Valerie Gaydos announces candidacy for State Representative at RMU

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
February 14, 2018

Valerie Gaydos, the founder and CEO of Capital Growth, Inc., announced her candidacy for State Representative at Robert Morris University on Feb. 14. Photo Gallery: Gaydos...

Wendy’s drive-thru horse comes to RMU

Gage Goulding, News Editor
February 14, 2018

MOON TOWNSHIP - Marcella Gruchalak was driving home from a charity event with her horse, Funny Bunny, who goes by Buns for short, and decided to stop and get him a treat. What she thought was just rewarding her horse for good behavior and knocking something off her bucket list...

Photo credit: Katey Ladika

Toys “R” Us closing stores in Pittsburgh

Gage Goulding
February 12, 2018

The children's toy retailer Toys “R” Us announced on Jan. 24 that they would close 182 stores around the nation. Pittsburgh was among the closures with the company closing four stores in the metropolitan area.   Toys “R” Us locations in Ross Park Mall, Beaver...

Photo credit: Katie Wedge

Facilities Management responding to fluctuations in weather

Brittany Mayer
February 9, 2018

As Pittsburgh temperatures have been fluctuating, Robert Morris University’s Facilities Management has been planning to plow, spread salt on roadways and answer students' calls. RMU Colonial Central is an office in Facilities Management close to the Braddock Residence Hall...

Photo credit: Avin Patel

RMU students volunteer to help file taxes

Malyk Johnson
February 8, 2018

Robert Morris University is for the seventh year a part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, which allows low-income citizens and international and foreign individuals to have volunteers to help file their taxes. The VITA program offers free tax help to low-income...

Police Blotter 1/30/18-2/05/18

Police Blotter 1/30/18-2/05/18

February 6, 2018

1/30/18 -Fire Alarm-Guardian reported a fire alarm activated in Hamilton Hall.  Officers responded and found the cause to be from a curling iron.  Maintenance was able to reset the alarm system (closed) 1/30/18 -Medical Emergency- This department was advised of a student...

Photo credit: Gage Goulding

Local business benefits from President Trump tax plan

Malyk Johnson
February 6, 2018

President Donald Trump gave a speech at H&K Equipment on Jan. 18 in Coraopolis. He discussed the benefits that local businesses in the area have seen as a result of a tax reform, which was passed in December of last year. During the speech, he also discussed national companies...

Vice President Mike Pence speaks for republican candidate Rick Saccone.

Vice President Mike Pence visits Pittsburgh

Gage Goulding, News Editor
February 2, 2018

Vice President Mike Pence left Washington D.C. aboard Air Force Two as he began his journey to Pittsburgh for a day of speeches. This presidential trip comes just fifteen days after President Donald Trump came to H & K Equipment in Coraopolis. The goal of the trips was the...