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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Punxsutawney Phil, the "weather predicting" groundhog, saw his shadow, thus predicting 6 more weeks of winter on the 132nd "Trek to the Knob" this GroundHogs Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Punxsutawney Phil sees six more weeks of winter in 2018

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
February 2, 2018

Today was the 132nd annual trek of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club in Gobbler's Knob where Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter. People gathered from around the country to celebrate Groundhog Day with Punxsutawney Phil in Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania....

Vice President Mike Pence to visit Bethel Park

Vice President Mike Pence to visit Bethel Park

Jocelyn Burns
February 1, 2018

Vice President Mike Pence will appear in Bethel Park on Feb. 2 to speak on Rick Saccone. Later in the day Pence will give remarks at America First Policies' "Tax Cut to Put America First" event. RMU Sentry Media will have live updates right HERE during the event. [<a href="//"...

Police Blotter 1/22/18-1/29/18

Police Blotter 1/22/18-1/29/18

January 30, 2018

1/22/18 -Departmental Information- A student wanted a report of file for a situation dealing with social media.  This incident is under investigation at this time.(open) 1/22/18 -Student Conduct-Officers conducted a traffic stop off campus for a violation that occurred on...

Sexual violence normalized on college campuses

Sexual violence normalized on college campuses

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
January 26, 2018

Every day a new sexual harassment or assault charge is being brought to light in celebrity, political and daily news. This fall, Robert Morris University has joined a movement in the Pittsburgh region known as Southwest PA Says No More, which is speaking out about sexual violence...

Photo Credit: Megan Shandel

Pittsburgh on Amazon’s top 20 list

Gage Goulding
January 24, 2018 released a short list of 20 cities that it is considering for its second worldwide headquarters. Currently, the companies headquarters is in Seattle, Washington, but in 2017 the company opened cities across the United States to apply to host the next headquarters....

President Trump speaks at H&K Equipment in Coraopolis

President Trump speaks at H&K Equipment in Coraopolis

Gage Goulding
January 18, 2018

President Donald Trump visited H&K Equipment in Coraopolis today to speak with around 250 guests about his tax reform. The rally was a private invitation-only event. Trump was also in Pittsburgh to show his support for State Rep. Rick Saccone. Trump and Air Force One...

Donald Trump at speaking in Pittsburgh in April 2016. RMU Sentry Media's Eddie Sheehy attended the rally. Photo credit: Eddie Sheehy

President Donald Trump appearing in Coraopolis

Malyk Johnson, Assistant News Manager
January 18, 2018

President Donald Trump will be in Pennsylvania and will be making an appearance at  H & K Manufacturing in Coraopolis. According to a senior administration official, President Trump will be touring the facilities as well as giving a speech highlighting the local businesses...

Photo credit: Miller Overmoyer

National Aviary introduces new baby sloth

Gage Goulding
January 17, 2018
The National Aviary introduced their newest addition to their family, Vivien Leigh, a baby sloth.
Police Blotter 1/09/18-1/15/18

Police Blotter 1/09/18-1/15/18

January 16, 2018

01/09/18 -Suspicious Incident- Officers were called to Scaife Hall for a suspicious item in one of the classrooms.  Officers found the item; a water bottle wrapped in tape, and determined that there was nothing of concern with it.  The item was removed from the classroom and...

Police Blotter 12/05/17-1/09/18

Police Blotter 12/05/17-1/09/18

January 11, 2018

12/05/17 -Suspicious Person- This department was notified of a suspicious male outside of the Nicholson Student Center.  Officers responded and were unable to locate anyone matching the description given.  The caller was advised to notify this department if the male is seen...