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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Student Recreation and Fitness Center opening postponed

Student Recreation and Fitness Center opening postponed

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
September 23, 2017

Originally set for Sept. 25, the full Student Recreation and Fitness Center is now tentatively set to open on Sept. 29. An email from Campus Recreation was sent to Robert Morris University students to explain why the full facility opening is postponed. "Our soft opening...

University presidents unite against sexual violence on campuses

University presidents unite against sexual violence on campuses

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
September 21, 2017

University presidents of Southwestern Pennsylvania are coming together to say no more to sexual violence. Southwest PA Says No More is a program that is working towards creating a safe environment for college students. Thirteen university presidents, including Robert Morris...

Moon Township Fire Department called to Patrick Henry

Moon Township Fire Department called to Patrick Henry

Malyk Johnson, Assistant News Manager
September 20, 2017

The Moon Township Volunteer Fire Department was called to Robert Morris University's Patrick Henry Center after RMU Public Safety rang the fire alarm. "There was some mulch that was burning on the outside of the building right outside of the air intake system for the ventilation...

Police Blotter 9/12/17-9/18/17

Police Blotter 9/12/17-9/18/17

September 20, 2017

09/12/17 -302- Officers were called for a student in need of a medical evaluation. Valley Ambulance transported the student to Sewickley Hospital for treatment.(closed) 09/12/17 -Medical Emergency- Officers were notified of a student in need of medical attention.  Valley...

Processed with VSCO with e5 preset Photo credit: Kennywood Park

Changes at Kennywood Park

Gage Goulding
September 19, 2017
Kennywood recently received a world-wide award and recently announced plans to retire a fan favorite ride.
Mochella kicks off homecoming

Mochella kicks off homecoming

Morgan Nagle
September 19, 2017
RMU alumnae hype up Homecoming Weekend
RMU grieves passing of student

RMU grieves passing of student

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
September 18, 2017

Robert Morris University is mourning the death of Joshua Merriman, a senior finance major. Merriman was 21 years old and a member of RMU Men's D3 Club Ice Hockey Team. He was from Wintersville, Ohio, and said to have died on Saturday, Sept. 16. "This is a devastating loss...

RMU College Republicans prepare 9/11 memorial for 10th year

RMU College Republicans prepare 9/11 memorial for 10th year

Morgan Nagle
September 14, 2017

Sept. 11 of each year has been a day held in remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attacks in 2001 that took the lives of 2,997 people in New York City, Washington D.C. and the passengers on Flight 93. So on Sept. 9, Robert Morris University’s College Republicans set...

Police Blotter 8/29/17-9/11/17

Police Blotter 8/29/17-9/11/17

September 14, 2017

08/29/17  -Accident- Complainant reported damage done to their vehicle while parked in the CFL#1 parking lot.  All pertinent information was obtained and a report was issued for insurance purposes. (Closed) 08/29/17  -Fire Alarm- Guardian reported a fire alarm activated...

RMU wins 1 out of 4 Mid-Atlantic Emmy College/University nominations

RMU wins 1 out of 4 Mid-Atlantic Emmy College/University nominations

Brittany Mayer, News Manager
September 9, 2017

RMU has won one College/University Student Production awards out of 4 Mid-Atlantic Emmy College/University nominations. Out of the nominated are 22 students and one faculty member. Students have been nominated for the Long Form, Sports-Live Event and the Public Affair/Community...