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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Police Blotter 9/29/15-10/12/15

Police Blotter 9/29/15-10/12/15

October 19, 2015

9/29/15 – Disorderly Conduct - This department was advised of a male driving up to females and telling them to get into his vehicle.  Officers were able to locate the male and cited him for disorderly conduct and harassment. (Closed) 9/29/15 – Fire Alarm - Guardian reported...

Photo credit: Morgan Torchia

Pie your FYSP mentor has sweet results

Tori Flick
October 12, 2015

Once a semester, freshmen students are given the opportunity to exact revenge on their First Year Studies mentors in a charitable and positively sweet way. The Pie your FYSP mentor event has become a traditional milestone marking of the end of the 8 week course.For only a dollar,...

Photo credit: Tori Flick

The Book Rocket helps students find the best deals

Morgan Torchia
October 12, 2015

A new company that launched last year is starting to make a name for itself on many college campuses across the country. The company “The Book Rocket," created by Shey Baesler and co-founded by Charlie Offenbacher, is a website created to help college students find the...

Dr. Majid Hashemipour gives first lecture at RMU

Hannah Vislocky
October 11, 2015

Internationalization, sea pigs, and work study are just a few things Dr. Majid Hashemipour mentioned in his Rooney Scholar lecture on Sept. 30.Hashemipour is the Rooney Scholar for the fall 2015 semester. He is a faculty member in the mechanical engineering department of Eastern...

Freshmen already begin to make their mark

Freshmen already begin to make their mark

Delaney Hassell, News Editor
October 9, 2015

The incoming freshmen class of Robert Morris for the 2015-2016 school year has made their mark already on the university with an influx of student conduct incidents. This semester has seen a very large increase in a lot of incidents, mainly underage drinking. According to...

RMU campus safety a big concern

RMU campus safety a big concern

Delaney Hassell and Anthony Desimone
October 8, 2015

The safety of the campus of Robert Morris University is headed for a bumpy road with students and faculty concerned. As the amount of students attending RMU each year increases, the amount of cars and pedestrians on campus increases as well. This influx in enrollment at RMU...

Residence Life survey aims to new weekend programming

Residence Life survey aims to new weekend programming

Vince Russo, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2015

Charles "Chuck" Forrester is a man of his people. As the Area Coordinator of Adams, Gallatin, and Ross halls at Robert Morris University, Forrester has a responsibility, along with his colleagues at the Office of Residence Life, to serve the students to ensure their comfortably...

Is it the machine or the operator?

Is it the machine or the operator?

Anthony DeSimone, Contributor
October 7, 2015

The days of chalkboard lectures at Robert Morris University are numbered due to the technological advances that have taken place in many of the classrooms across campus. The old and worn-out chalkboards are gradually being replaced across campus with the new and innovative...

Saudi Arabian students may be looking for education elsewhere

Saudi Arabian students may be looking for education elsewhere

Hannah Smith, Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2015

Robert Morris University will likely be seeing less Saudi Arabian students on campus in the coming years. The university has already been seeing a decrease of incoming Saudi students due to the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission cutting off their students from enrolling in all...

Photo credit: Paul Wintruba

Saudi National Day

Brittany Mayer
October 7, 2015

Walking into the Gus Krop Gym on Thursday Sept. 24 students were greeted warmly by the Saudi Student Club with wristbands, bracelets, and information about the Saudi Arabian Culture for the 85th Saudi National Day and second celebration at Robert Morris.The event was celebrated...