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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Dell'Omo not yet finished at RMU

Dell’Omo not yet finished at RMU

Hannah Smith, News Editor
December 4, 2014

Robert Morris University announced today that President Gregory Dell’Omo has accepted presidency at Rider University in New Jersey and will be starting starting Aug. 1, 2015. Dell’Omo will continue to serve as president the rest of the academic school year. Dell’Omo...

Dell’Omo headed for Rider University

Haley Sawyer, Copy Editor
December 4, 2014

In the wake of pre-finals week, it was announced that Robert Morris University president Gregory Dell'Omo will soon be employed as the seventh president of New Jersey's Rider University. Rider University, founded in 1865, has an undergraduate enrollment of 4,419 and located...

RMU continues hazing prevention

RMU continues hazing prevention

Natalie O’Neil, Contributor
December 2, 2014

Robert Morris University continues to concentrate on safety in light of recent hazing incidents across the country. Although RMU has always held a strong stance against hazing, due to recent events at schools such as West Virginia University, Ohio State University, and Bloomsburg...

Police Blotter 11/18/14-11/24/14

Police Blotter 11/18/14-11/24/14

November 28, 2014

11/18/14 – Fire Alarm - Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Concord Hall.  Officers responded along with maintenance, finding the cause of the alarm to be burnt food.  The alarm was reset without further incident. (Closed) 11/18/14 – Suspicious Person...

Breaking: Students displaced after C Tower fire

Breaking: Students displaced after C Tower fire

Hannah Smith, News Editor
November 25, 2014

Moon Township Fire Co. responded to a dorm fire early this morning in the C Tower of Washington Hall after a student knocked over a burning candle in the third-floor suite. The flames occurred a little before 6 a.m. causing damage to the room. The rooms above and below the...

Police Blotter 11/11/14-11/17/14

Police Blotter 11/11/14-11/17/14

November 20, 2014

11/11/14 – Vehicle Stop - While on patrol, officer observed a vehicle with no inspection stickers and expired registration.  The driver was cited and released. (Closed) 11/12/14 – Trouble Alarm - Guardian Protection reported a trouble alarm in Sewall Center.  Officers...

Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media)

Black Student Union begins to rebuild

Natalie O’Neil, Contributor
November 16, 2014

After conflicts early in the year, the Black Student Union at Robert Morris University is beginning to rebuild and work toward their future. When leadership issues arose among the BSU, members decided the best course of action would be to hold a re-election. “There were...

Nolan Burch, Kappa Sigma fraternity brother of West Virginia University.

Breaking News: West Virginia student dies after catastrophic medical emergency

Hannah Smith and Jon Fisher
November 14, 2014

The West Virginia University student, Nolan Burch, who was in Morgantown’s Ruby Memorial Hospital intensive care unit-in critical condition has died following a “catastrophic medical emergency,” as described by officials. WVU’s President, E. Gordon Gee, confirmed Nolan...

Police Blotter 11/04/14-11/10/14

Police Blotter 11/04/14-11/10/14

November 12, 2014

11/04/14 – Fire Alarm - Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Concord Hall.  Officers responded along with maintenance, finding the cause of the alarm to be burnt food.  The alarm was reset without further incident. (Closed) 11/04/14 – Medical Emergency...

Members of the RMU faculty team await to be introduced prior to the Troops 'N Hoops charity basketball game Tuesday night.

Troops ‘N Hoops a slam dunk with RMU community

Nick Buzzelli, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2014

John McCarthy has a connection with the game of basketball. The Robert Morris University Associate Professor of History played in high school, was a part of Bethany College’s program for two years in the mid-1990s and taught NBA All-Star Dwayne Wade “everything he knows”...