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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Thousands of private photos leaked in Snapchat hack

Thousands of private photos leaked in Snapchat hack

Matt Merlino, Assistant Lifestyles Editor
October 11, 2014

Snapchat, one of the most popular social media apps among teens and young adults, is facing much scrutiny this weekend. It was announced yesterday that hackers have been collecting private photos and videos sent by users for years. The hackers have released thousands of private...

FYSP mentors get pied to raise money

Delaney Hassell, Staff Reporter
October 11, 2014

There was whipped cream everywhere at the gazebo Thursday, where the Robert Morris FYSP mentors raised money for the Student Emergency Fund from 5-7 p.m. The Student Emergency Fund collects money for students that have gone through a traumatic experience or unforeseeable events. With...

RMU community comes together for Oktoberfest tradition

RMU community comes together for Oktoberfest tradition

Kendall Valan, Assistant News Editor
October 11, 2014

On Friday, Oct. 10th, students, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered together in the Sewall Center for the 7th annual Oktoberfest, a Robert Morris tradition that brings an unique German experience to campus. The idea was started by President Gregory Dell’Omo and Dean John...

Tom Corbett at WTAE station for the last of three debates in the P.A. governor race..

Wolf and Corbett square off one final time in gubernatorial debate

Hannah Smith, News Editor
October 8, 2014

The final debate before the 2014 gubernatorial election on Nov. 4 between Democrat Tom Wolf and Republican Gov. Tom Corbett hit important issues about the future of Pennsylvania. According to a recent poll from, Wolf is 15.5 points ahead of the incumbent...

Police Blotter 9/30/14-10/6/14

Police Blotter 9/30/14-10/6/14

October 8, 2014

9/30/14 – Lost Property - A wallet was turned into this department, and returned to its owner. (Closed) 9/30/14 – Fire Alarm - Guardian reported a fire alarm activated in Lexington hall.  Upon officers arrival it was determined that the cause was burnt food.  Maintenance...

Two students walk through the various stands at the career fair.

117 employers appear at annual Career Expo

Hannah Smith, News Editor
October 8, 2014
Getting a foot in the door with potential employers is just being one step closer to landing that dream job that everyone hopes for.

Catholic Campus Ministry growing in numbers

Mike Funyak, Staff Reporter
October 5, 2014

Over the last few school years, RMU Catholic Campus Ministry has seen great growth. Catholic Campus Minister Gary Slifkey, who is in his fifth year at Robert Morris, has seen the numbers grow from about five students to over 40. “I came that April before I started and it...

RMU alum wins big

RMU alum wins big

Delaney Hassell, Staff Reporter
October 1, 2014

On Sept. 24, Lieutenant Colonel Michele Papakie was named the 2014 Business Communicator of the Year. Papakie is chairwoman/associate professor of journalism and public relations at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She received the award at the 35th annual Golden Triangle...

Police Blotter 9/23/14- 9/29/14

Police Blotter 9/23/14- 9/29/14

October 1, 2014

9/23/14 – Medical Emergency - This department was advised of a student who passed out during the blood drive in John Jay Center.  Valley Ambulance was notified and transported the student to Sewickley Valley Hospital for treatment. (Closed) 9/24/14 – Departmental Property...

RMU focuses on Title IX

RMU focuses on Title IX

Bailey Neale, Contributor
September 30, 2014

Beginning this semester, Robert Morris University student leaders and faculty members will undergo Title IX training. The university wants both groups familiar with the law and its requirements. The training sessions began on Sept. 15, and will continue throughout the school...