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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Dell'Omo discusses RMU by the numbers

Dell’Omo discusses RMU by the numbers

Kendall Valan, Assistant News Editor
September 28, 2014
RMU's official scholarship and demographic information has been released.
RMU celebrates Saudi National Day

RMU celebrates Saudi National Day

Delaney Hassell, Staff Reporter
September 26, 2014

This past Thursday the Robert Morris Saudi Student Club hosted the first annual Saudi National Day Celebration. The event was held in the PNC Colonial Café from 4:30-8:00 p.m. The goal of the event was to enrich students’ knowledge about Saudi Culture. The club wanted students...

RMU students put "sazon" in their life

RMU students put “sazon” in their life

Hannah Smith, News Editor
September 26, 2014

Diversity speaker Cindy Fernandez spoke to Robert Morris students this past Thursday about how life is better when you add some “sazon (spice).” “For me, sazon is what makes me stand out. That little bit of me that I bring, that I choose to share with others. That’s...

Police Blotter 9/16/14-9/22/14

Police Blotter 9/16/14-9/22/14

September 25, 2014

09/18/14 – Departmental Information - An officer found a set of mailboxes in Patrick Henry unsecured.  The officer was able to locate the keys and secure the mailboxes. (Closed) 09/18/14 – Lost Property - A student reported losing an external hard drive, a report was...

RMU encourages student voting registration

RMU encourages student voting registration

Cecil Grubbs, Staff Reporter
September 24, 2014

Robert Morris University is taking initiative in raising awareness to students about registering to vote for the gubernatorial elections this November. RMU students were given the opportunity to register to vote yesterday at the PNC Colonial Café and the event was sponsored...

What’s really going on with parking

Kendall Valan, Assistant News Editor
September 23, 2014

Student and faculty drivers of Robert Morris have always faced a difficult time finding space to park on campus.  And as the student body increases, so does the amount of complaints targeted at the campus police department. At times when traffic is dense, many students can...

WWII vet featured as Constitution Day speaker

WWII vet featured as Constitution Day speaker

Nick Buzzelli, Editor-in-chief
September 19, 2014

In previous years, Robert Morris has held essay contests and debates in order to commemorate Constitution Day. However this year, Dr. Phillip Harold wanted to do things differently by bringing a guest speaker to campus. After discussing this possibility with Susan Parker,...

Groundbreaking begins a new era for RMU

Groundbreaking begins a new era for RMU

Hannah Smith, News Editor
September 19, 2014

Today marked the official start of construction for Robert Morris University’s new School of Nursing and Health Sciences with a groundbreaking ceremony. The ceremony began at approximately 7:30 a.m. with opening remarks from the university’s president, Gregory Dell’Omo. Dell’Omo...

Police Blotter 9/09/14 - 9/15/14

Police Blotter 9/09/14 – 9/15/14

September 18, 2014

09/09/14 – Student Conduct - While conducting an investigation an officer noticed alcohol in the open in a student’s room.  The alcohol was disposed of and the student was advised they would be sent through Judicial Affairs for judgment. (Closed) 09/09/14 – Fire Alarm...

RMU Roundtable Series: Women in print media

RMU Roundtable Series: Women in print media

Delaney Hassel, Staff Reporter
September 18, 2014

RMU's Roundtable Series kicked off this past Tuesday afternoon with Dr. Elizabeth Stork's “Women and Power in Print Media: Cover Girls” event. Stork is the associate professor of Organizational Leadership at RMU. Sheryl Sandberg, now the chief operating officer of Facebook,...