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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Police Blotter: Oct. 30 - Nov. 05, 2012

Police Blotter: Oct. 30 – Nov. 05, 2012

November 12, 2012

10/30 - Fire Alarm - A heat detector was activated in a mechanical room in Washington Hall. Maintenance checked the room and corrected the problem. (Closed) 10/31 - Departmental Information - Security at Yorktown Hall reported hearing a loud explosion outside of the building....

Alzheimer’s Awareness at RMU

Jessica Terza, Contributor
November 9, 2012

On Thursday, Nov. 8, teams gathered in the cafeteria to face off in a campus wide scavenger hunt. Each team paid $1 to enter. The proceeds are going towards Alzheimer’s awareness. The Student Alliance of Future Healthcare Professionals hosted the event. The scavenger hunt...

President Barack Obama re-elected President of the United States

President Barack Obama re-elected President of the United States

November 7, 2012

CNN projects that President Barack Obama wins re-election. Click HERE to check out our electoral college map that we will be updating throughout the night as states are called for each presidential candidate. Also, UPDATES will be displayed below as states are called...

Republicans take control of the House

Republicans take control of the House

Leah Moose, Lifestyles Editor
November 6, 2012

[<a href="" target="_blank">View the story "Republicans in the House " on Storify</a>]

Hashtag to encourage: stay in line

Leah Moose, Lifestyles Editor
November 6, 2012

[View the story "Stay in line: the hashtag" on Storify]

Supreme Court's upcoming decisions post-election

Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions post-election

Patrick Ryan, News Editor
November 6, 2012

The next president of the United States is expected to appoint up to three new Supreme Court justices, a move that can have big implications for the country as a number of controversial issues are expected to come before the court. They range from healthcare to the abortion...

A change in times

A change in times

Mike Funyak, Staff Writer
November 5, 2012

When class schedules for the spring semester of 2013 were released on the early morning of Oct. 22, students discovered not only who would be teaching certain classes, but also that class times have changed. For the last three semesters, Robert Morris University has started...

Meal plan balancing act

Meal plan balancing act

Paul Wintruba, Andrea Zanaglio, Assistant News Editor, Editor in Chief
November 5, 2012

Robert Morris University students are finding that they have a little less to spend on meals this semester. On a campus where having to do bulk orders to break even at the end of a semester is relatively common, how could this be possible? The answer is most likely an $100...

RMU Sentry Media mock election provide valuable insight

RMU Sentry Media mock election provide valuable insight

Paul Wintruba, Assistant News Editor
November 5, 2012

On Thursday, Oct. 25, RMU Sentry Media polled students and faculty members in a mock presidential election to gauge the political interest on-campus. In total, the poll received 162 ballots with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney winning over Democratic Presidential...

New school year brings new res life director

New school year brings new res life director

Tiffany Brandon, Staff Writer
November 5, 2012

Anne Lahoda has been promoted to Director of the Office of Residence Life this year at Robert Morris University. The Office of Residence Life is the unit within the Division of Student Life that  is responsible for the on-campus housing and residence life programs at the university. Lahoda...