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RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Photo Credits:  Robert Morris University

Parking restrictions this weekend, free ticket raffle for students

Kaelei Whitlatch, Copy Editor
October 12, 2022

With a couple major events at the UPMC Events Center this weekend, there are parking restrictions for the Washington gravel and Patrick Henry lots. Those who park their vehicles in the Washington gravel lot should relocate to the upper Massey lot by 3 p.m. on Friday. Vehicles...

Photo Credit:

RMU Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament Recap

Max Tate, Contributor
October 11, 2022

On Oct. 4, RMU hosted one of the most unique competitions that the school has seen in a long while. The Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament was an event hosted by Resident Life and run by Campus Advisor, Ben Herman. It was a simple tournament with a 32-man bracket.The single...

Chair of the board of trustee's Morgan O'Brien  performs the Investiture of the President during President Michelle Patrick's Inauguration ceremony on Oct. 7, 2022

Dr. Michelle Patrick officially sworn in as the ninth president of Robert Morris University

Ethan Morrison, Editor In Chief
October 7, 2022

MOON TOWNSHIP – On Friday, Robert Morris University held the inauguration of the ninth President Dr. Michelle Patrick. After spending six years as the dean of the Robert Morris School of Business and then as the interim President of the university, Patrick was named the...

Ninth President of Robert Morris University Dr. Michelle Patrick addresses the crowd during the Inauguration ceremony on Oct. 7, 2022

BREAKING: Robert Morris receives historic gift to Rename The School of Business

Ellie Schroeder, Assistant News Editor
October 7, 2022

During the inauguration of President Dr. Michelle Patrick on Friday, Robert Morris University announced a historic gift thus renaming its School of Business. Patrick spoke on the significance of the donation, "This is a transformational gift to the university and it is the...

Photo Credit: Evelyn Luthringer

President Michelle Patrick inspires students at Inauguration Breakfast

Ellie Schroeder, Assistant News Editor
October 7, 2022
President Patrick kicks off her inauguration day and homecoming weekend with a breakfast with students from the Women In Leadership and Mentorship Program, Women in Business and the Society of Women Engineers.
Fireworks at Bobby Mania 2019

Parking and road restrictions announced for Homecoming weekend

Kaelei Whitlatch, Copy Editor
October 7, 2022

As Dr. Michelle Patrick is inaugurated as Robert Morris's ninth president and students celebrate homecoming, campus police are implimenting a number of parking restrictions and road closures. The Gazebo parking lot will be closed until next Tuesday. Employees and students are...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter: 9/20/2022 – 9/26/2022

Evelyn Luthringer, Chief Videographer
September 30, 2022

9/20/22: Fire Alarm-False Activation: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in the Hale Center. Officers responded and found the cause to be a water flow alarm. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was on scene. The panel was reset. The case is closed. 9/20/22:...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter: 9/13/22 – 9/19/22

Evelyn Luthringer, Chief Videographer
September 29, 2022

9/13/22: Suspicious Incident: A student reported receiving inappropriate comments behind Washington Hall. RMU Detective reviewed the cameras and identified the suspect. One student will be sent through Student Conduct. The case is closed. 9/13/22: Fire Alarm-False Activation:...

Anne Marie Buschiazzo in front of her office in Wheatley!

Beyond the Staff: Anne Marie Buschiazzo!

Beck Necciai, Reporter
September 28, 2022

Anne Marie Buschiazzo, the Academic Advising and Enrollment Coordinator of the School of Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences, helps all undergraduate students and is also an online success coach for everyone at Robert Morris. She started her career at the University...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter: 9/06/22-9/12/22

Evelyn Luthringer, Reporter
September 23, 2022

9/06/22: Medical Emergency: RMU Police reported a medical emergency at Joe Walton Stadium. Medics arrived and transported the patient to the hospital. The case is closed.   9/06/22: Found Property: RMU Police located a thumb drive outside the Business School. It was...