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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Active Minds and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars prove GPA does not influence mental health

Active Minds and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars prove GPA does not influence mental health

Soundharjya Babu, Assistant News Editor
October 13, 2019

MOON TOWNSHIP - A survey from Active Minds and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) show their findings on mental health in universities. The survey includes 9,139 college students who are high-performing in the nation. 91 percent of these students with a GPA...

Photo Credit: (MGN Online)

BEST and CACHE hold second annual school supplies drive

Michael Delehanty, Contributor
October 10, 2019

MOON TOWNSHIP - Student organizations, Bringing Education Service and Teaching (BEST) and Colonial Advocates for Childhood Homelessness and Education (CACHE) held a school supplies drive on campus. Both organizations work to provide support for students in Pittsburgh who require...

Photo Credit: (Western Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association)

Western Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association to host 5K event to help disabled athletes

John Blinn, News Editor
October 7, 2019

PITTSBURGH - The Western Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association (WPTLA) is preparing to host their 19th annual President's Challenge 5K Run/Walk/Wheel. The event will benefit the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers, which is an organization that strives to assist physically challenged...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter 9/24/19-9/30/19

October 1, 2019

9/24/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire Alarm in Salem Hall. Officers arrived and found the cause of the alarm to be cooking. No sign of smoke or fire. The Fire Dept was cancelled and the fire panel reset (closed). 9/24/19- 201 Commitment- The Counseling requested...

SGA meeting recap: Chris King discusses RMU athletics

SGA meeting recap: Chris King discusses RMU athletics

Soundharjya Babu, Assistant News Editor
September 28, 2019

MOON TOWNSHIP - Robert Morris’ Student Government Association held a meeting on Tuesday. The meeting featured vice president and director of athletics Chris King as well as chief marketing officer Chelsea Blakely. Chris King discussed his plans for the future of RMU athletics...

"POLICE BLOTTER" in white lettering over top of a black background. There are two baby blue circles and a red circle behind the end of "BLOTTER"

Police Blotter 9/17/19-9/23/19

September 24, 2019

9/17/19- Departmental infromation- A resident student reported a roommate dispute. Report taken for informational and Residence Life purposes (closed). 9/17/19- 201 Commitment- The Counseling Center called requesting assistance with a 201 commitment. The individual was driven...

Authorities respond to a multi-vehicle accident on University Boulevard on September 23, 2019.
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/ John Blinn)

Man taken into custody following a multi-vehicle University Blvd. accident

Soundharjya Babu, Assistant News Editor
September 23, 2019

MOON TOWNSHIP- A multi-vehicle accident on University Boulevard took place outside of the Robert Morris University campus and resulted in what appeared to be an arrest. Three vehicles were involved in the accident that took place at the intersection of University Boulevard...

Photo Credit: (MGN Online)

Yorktown Fitness Center transforms into a 24/7 facility

Soundharjya Babu, Assistant News Editor
September 23, 2019

ROBERT MORRIS UNIVERSITY - New plans for the Yorktown Fitness Center are currently in the works, as the facility is transitioning into a 24/7 facility. Previously, students had limited hours to access the fitness center, but the new initiative aims to make the space more available...

Photo Credit: (MGN Online)

The United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania hosts concert in Pittsburgh featuring Peter Buffett

John Blinn, News Editor
September 21, 2019

PITTSBURGH - Son of Warren Buffett, Peter Buffett, will be visiting Pittsburgh on Oct. 2 with hopes of bringing the community together and focusing on complex issues. The United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania will be hosting a live concert and conversation, featuring the...

Photo Credit: (MGN Online)

Precautionary boil water advisory issued for portions of Allegheny County

John Blinn, News Editor
September 20, 2019

PITTSBURGH - Pennsylvania American Water issued a precautionary boil water advisory for certain portions of Allegheny County on Friday. The advisory was the result of a water main break that took place in Carrick. The main break prevented Pennsylvania American Water's ability...