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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Opinion Stories, Blogs, and Argument goes in here.

Carney’s Corner: Fans need to show up on Saturday for football

Carney’s Corner: Fans need to show up on Saturday for football

Logan Carney, Digital Content Director
November 7, 2019

Editor’s Note: All opinions on RMU Sentry Media are the writer’s own. MOON TOWNSHIP — I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it's time for fans to return to Joe Walton Stadium. After years of mediocrity, the Robert Morris football team (5-4, 4-0 NEC) is playing meaningful...

OPINION: There is a college debt crisis

OPINION: There is a college debt crisis

Garret Roberts, Assistant A&E Editor
January 14, 2019
Rather than just focusing on those who drop out of college, we should be addressing the issues facing graduates as well.

In support of the First Amendment

Editorial Staff
August 16, 2018

RMU Sentry Media stands with the Society for Collegiate Journalists, the Boston Globe and every other participating news organization in support of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution; an amendment which allows all of our news organizations to operate freely...

Photo credit: Tori Flick

Are video games making players violent?

Garret Roberts, Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor
March 21, 2018
After a recent video published by the White House, video games are once again in the middle of the violence debate.
Photo Credit: Tori Flick

The dangers of fat shaming

Rebekah Wilford
February 19, 2018

The scale. It is a device that has been around for what seems like forever. Scales have been used in courthouses as symbols of justice, in kitchens as measuring tools, and yes, in doctor’s offices and gyms as a measure of health. Those first two uses fail to stir any significant...

Photo Credit: Tori Flick

Que Sera Sera: America’s downfall

Rebekah Wilford
February 12, 2018

On Aug. 12, 2017, the alt-right held a rally in Charlottesville, Va. Within one night, this college town became the center of a heated debate, centering around one word: justice. As white nationalists flooded the streets, many, including myself, asked how America got to this...

Mental gymnastics: The relationship between exercise and mental health

Mental gymnastics: The relationship between exercise and mental health

Julian Gregorio, Copy Manager
November 6, 2017

In 2015, 33,091 Americans died of opioid overdose. That is a lot of people, and the opioid epidemic is a major problem. But in the same year, 44,193 people died from suicide, the vast majority of whom suffered from depression. Everyone is talking about the opioid crisis....

The importance of environmental conservation

The importance of environmental conservation

Rebekah Wilford
November 1, 2017

Aldo Leopold once said, “Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” This flowery quote brings to mind images of sparkling lakes, giant redwood trees and happy little squirrels collecting nuts in Disneyesque fashion. It paints a picture of a peaceful world. Now,...

Photo credit: Samuel Anthony

Jimmy Walker is the key for Robert Morris

Logan Carney
September 20, 2017

After watching Jimmy Walker escape the pocket and make plays like a young Ben Roethlisberger, the perspective on this team changed. No longer are the running backs the key to this offense. While the running backs are still a talented bunch, it is the quarterback play of Jimmy...