Moon Parents Voice Concerns About School Plans
Local Moon Area parents had the opportunity to speak up at Monday evening’s school board meeting held in Moon High School’s auditorium. The meeting was held to discuss upcoming renovations for local elementary schools.
Parents had the opportunity to speak directly in front of the school board and audience with any comments or questions they had for 90 minutes.
Parents of Moon Area students used a public hearing to voice concerns about renovation plans. Photo by Ginger Wasik
Parents are not very happy about the possibility of local elementary schools being closed for renovation. This will lead to children having to attend other neighboring elementary schools. The classroom sizes will increase, further upsetting the parents who are concerned about the attention a teacher can give to more students.
Kathy Thomas is a teacher in Allegheny County and a parent of two Moon students. “My twins are in 1st grade at Brooks. Sitting in a classroom of 26” is not acceptable, she said. The audience agreed and applauded loudly.
Robert Peppi also does not agree with possible increases in classroom size. “Anything above 20 is too many students in a classroom,” he said. “Make a decision that’s best for the children, not for the politicians.”
Board members responded to the comments; however, nothing they said seemed to satisfy the parent’s concerns. At several points during the meeting parents shouted remarks from the audience in which the Board responded by saying, “We have been very patient with the yelling and shouting. If you are unable to do so we are not able to continue the meeting. Think about if your children were here you would not tolerate it.”
The Moon School Board explained that it is attempting to act responsibly. “We need to deal with the fiscal reality today,” one member said “Let’s figure out how to cut taxes and not raise them.”
There are no final plans for renovations. Monday’s meeting was held to receive comments from the community.