Robinson-Based Treatment Center Saves Lives
By Brittany Rowe, Moon News Cloud Contributor
It has been said that people are willing to help those who try to help themselves. Everyday people go through obstacles but with treatment centers such as Greenbriar in Robinson, it has become easier for people to cope. Haley Vincent, 20, of Moon Township, shares her personal experience at Greenbriar Treatment Center.
Vincent spent three hours a day for four days a week at Greenbriar Treatment Center. “Going in I really had no idea what to expect,” she said. “I was so nervous the first time and my head was filled with stereotypes. I was actually shocked to see how down to earth everyone seemed.”
She added “Honestly, I was ignorant toward anything to do with addictions and diseases.”
Vincent was one of the youngest people at Greenbriar, and she was considered a half- day outpatient. The majority of her time spent there was spent in group discussions, but one-on-one conversations also took place. “There are no judgements at Greenbriar so I was comfortable talking to people,” she said.
At sessions Haley constantly watched informative movies and shows with the group. The main thing that Greenbriar contributed to Haley’s life was assisting her on how to plan and handle future conflict. She has been educated and can take knowledge away with her to motivate her future success.
Vicent said, “I will always remember that all people there are coping with something in their own way.”
The one thing Haley is thankful for learning at Greenbriar is the Serenity Prayer which everyone at Greenbriar says every day.
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Greenbriar provides the treatment for anyone who needs it. Dealing with life situations is difficult and sometimes having a place for people to express themselves freely keeps them out of trouble and saves lives. Haley Vincent’ personal experience at Greenbriar can inspire people to utilize treatment centers and to be confident while making positive changes in your life.