Police Blotter 8/17/21-8/23/21
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/Alexa Headley)
8/17/21-Welfare Check- Residence Life CA reported a student missing. Officers checked the dorm room and found no one there. The RMU Band Director notified the Police that the student had gone home and she had spoken to the student’s parents. The case was closed.
8/18/21-Departmental Information- RMU Police received a suspicious call from an out of state number pertaining to a delivery. The caller could not answer questions about the delivery. Facilities was not expecting any deliveries. This case has been concluded.
8/18/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
8/19/21-Failure to Stop at Stop Sign-RMU Police observed a vehicle that failed to stop at a posted stop sign. The officer conducted a traffic stop and explained the reason for the stop. The driver was issued three citations. This case has been resolved.
8/19/21-Burglar Intrusion Alarm-Guardian Protection reported a burglar alarm in the Teetz House. Officers responded and discovered the alarm was activated by the mail room personnel. The building was checked and panel reset. This case is closed.
8/19/21-Student Conduct/Drugs-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and upon arrival to the room, they could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana. Residence Life was notified. Five students will be sent through Student Conduct for violating the drug policy. This case is closed.
8/20/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case has been closed.
8/20/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be heat from a hairdryer. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case has been shut.
8/20/21-Departmental Information-RMU Police received a call from students who were stranded at Walmart. They stated the shuttled dropped them off and never came back. Officers transported them back to Marshall Hall. This case has been closed.
8/21/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
8/22/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
8/22/21-Found Property- A Parkhurst employee located an unattended backpack in the PNC Café. The backpack was logged into Lost and Found. The student was notified and retrieved their bag. This case is closed.
8/23/21-Fire Alarm-False Alarm-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be a faulty smoke detector. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
8/23/21-Smell of Marijuana-Residence Life reported the smell of marijuana in Marshall Hall. Officers responded and Residence Life keyed into the room to find it empty. Officers and staff were unable to locate the source. This case is closed.
8/23/21-Disturbance/Loud Music or People-RMU Police received a call about students drinking at the volleyball courts. Officers responded and located one student who was verified 21 years of age. They were told to take the alcohol back to their room. They complied without any issues. This case is closed.
8/23/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated-Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.