Police Blotter: 6/26/2021 – 7/5/2021
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/Alexa Headley)
6/29/2021 – Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector Activated – Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be burnt food. RMU Maintenance was notified and the fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
6/29/2021 – Gas Leak – RMU Police received a call for a possible gas leak in John Jay Center. Officers were able to detect a strong odor of natural gas and evacuated the building. RMU Maintenance was notified and located the leak. The building was reopened. This case is closed.
6/29/2021 – Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector Activated – Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be burnt food. RMU Maintenance was notified and the fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
6/29/2021 – Assist Other Police Agency – Moon Dispatch requested a female officer to search a female prisoner at the Moon Police Station. This case is closed.
6/29/2021 – Disturbance/Loud Music or People – RMU Student reported a noise complaint in Ross Hall. Officers responded and found a large group gathered in a room. They were told to keep the noise down. They complied and apologized. This case is closed.
6/30/2021 – Fire Alarm/False Activation – Guardian Protected reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled and the panel was reset. This case is closed.
7/1/2021 – Tag and Tow – RMU Police unbooted a vehicle and had the vehicle towed off-campus. This case is closed.
7/1/2021 – Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector Activated – Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified and the fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
7/2/2021 – Departmental Information – RMU Chief Information Officer dropped off several items for safekeeping. They were logged into evidence and placed in the evidence locker. This case is closed.
7/2/2021 – Harassment by Communication – RMU Island Sports Center Public Safety Officer was approached by a referee who reported receiving harassing messages through social media. RMU Detectives are investigating this incident. This case is pending.
7/3/2021 – Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector Activated – Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be unknown. RMU Maintenance and the officer searched the empty room. The fire department was canceled and the panel was reset. This case is closed.
7/4/2021 – Disturbance/Loud Music or People – RMU Police received a complaint of students possibly setting off fireworks on campus. Officers located students on the soccer field. They were identified and informed of the rules. They apologized and cleaned up. This case is closed.
7/5/2021 – Animal Complaint – RMU Police received a call about a bird in the Nicholson Student Center vestibule. RMU Maintenance was notified they were able to get the bird out unharmed. This case is closed.
7/5/2021 – Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector Activation – A student reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.