Police Blotter 8/27/19-9/2/19
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/Alexa Headley)
September 3, 2019
8/27/19- Trespass warning- Student trespassed from Residence Halls (closed).
8/27/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Concord hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be burnt food. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
8/27/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Washington hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from a dryer in the laundry room. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
8/27/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Salem hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be the shower. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
8/27/19- Accident with parked vehicle- A male reported damage to his vehicle while parked in the gazebo lot. Report and photos taken for insurance purposes (closed).
8/27/19- Medical emergency- Parkhurst Management reported an employee feeling ill in Hale. The patient refused Medics and was transported to the hospital via private vehicle.
8/28/19- Medical Emergency- Student Health Services requested an ambulance for a resident student with stomach pains. Patient transported to the hospital via ambulance (closed).
8/28/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Salem hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be the shower. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
8/28/19- Medical emergency- Moon dispatch reported a contracted worker in Yorktown Hall with a leg injury. The patient was transported to the hospital via ambulance (closed).
8/28/19- Suspicious incident- A resident student reported his vehicle was tampered with at Yorktown Hall. No usable camera footage. No damage was done to the vehicle (closed).
8/28/19- Departmental info/Burglar alarm- Officers accidentally tripped the burglar alarm at the Rooney House showing a visiting resident of the building how to disarm the system (closed).
8/30/19- Theft- Parkhurst reported 3 students not paying for their items in Romo’s. Investigation opened. Sent through student conduct (pending).
8/30/19- Accident with parked vehicle- A female reported that she struck an illegally parked vehicle. Information taken and report issued (closed).
8/30/19- Departmental information- A female student reported a suspicious male at Moon Twp Sheetz. Report taken for informational purposes (closed).
8/30/19- Disorderly conduct/student conduct drugs- Residence Life reported a smell of marijuana in Yorktown Hall. One student cited and sent through student conduct for marijuana (closed).
8/31/19- Underage drinking- Residence Life reported an Intoxicated male in Yorktown Hall. The patient was transported to the hospital via ambulance. Citation issued (closed).
8/31/19- Student conduct alcohol- Residence Life reported an Intoxicated minor in Washington Hall. Sent through student conduct (closed).
8/31/19- Medical emergency- Allegheny County 911 reported a student having a seizure in Washington hall. The patient was transported to the hospital via ambulance (closed).
8/31/19- Missing property- Student reported that he had his missing wallet returned to him by Parkhurst staff but all of the cash was missing. Investigation opened (closed).
8/31/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Salem hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be burnt food. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
9/1/19- Harrassment by communication- Title IX reported inappropriate texts sent to a Residence Life employee by a student. Student was advised the legal consequences and warned to have no further contact (closed).
9/1/19- Suspicious incident- Resident student in Yorktown Hall reported an unknown male calling her name outside her room. Officers checked the area with negative results and performed extra patrols of the area (closed).
9/1/19- Driving complaint- A student reported a vehicle speeding and driving recklessly. A traffic stop was performed and the driver was given a verbal warning (closed).
9/2/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Yorktown hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be the outdoor Air conditioning unit. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).
9/2/19- Property damage- A female reported she back into a light pole near the soccer fields. Maintenance notified, report taken and photos taken for repair purposes (closed).
9/2/19- Fire alarm- Moon Dispatch reported a fire alarm in Salem hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be burnt food. No sign of smoke or fire. The fire panel was reset and the Fire Department was cancelled (closed).