Police Blotter: 8/31/2021-9/06/2021
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/Alexa Headley)
8/31/21-Fire Alarm-False Alarm: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
8/31/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
8/31/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
8/31/21-Elevator Alarm: Student reported being stuck in an elevator in Salem Hall. RMU Police requested assistance from Maintenance. They were able to reset the elevator and the student exited without any issues. This case is closed.
8/31/21-201 Commitment: Counseling Center requested RMU Police transport a student to the hospital for a 201 commitment. The case is closed.
8/31/21-Trespass Warning: RMU Police trespassed a non-student who was staying overnight in Washington Hall. This case is closed.
9/01/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be unknown. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/01/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/01/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Concord Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/01/21-Found Property: A student turned in Apple AirPods found on the walkway near the Franklin Center. The owner of the AirPods stopped by the Barry Center to claim their lost property. This case is closed.
9/01/21-Accident Involving Damage-Unattended Vehicle: A student reported damage to their vehicle parked in the Scaife Lot. Report and pictures taken for insurance purposes. This case is closed.
9/01/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/01/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/02/21-Departmental Information: The United States Postal Service Police notified the RMU Police about a suspicious package addressed to the RMU campus. The package may have contained drugs or paraphernalia but was destroyed by the USPS Police. The case is closed.
9/02/21-Assist Other Police Agency: Moon Dispatch requested a female officer to search a female prisoner at the Moon Police Station. This case is closed.
9/03/21-Disturbance/Loud Music or People: A student reported a guest would not leave their apartment. Officers responded and the student complied with officers’ request. The students were informed of Residence Life Covid policy. No outside guests are currently allowed in the dorms. The case is closed.
9/03/21-Medical Emergency: RMU Police received a call for a student experiencing a medical emergency in Yorktown Hall. Officers responded and notified Residence Life. The student was transported to the hospital by medics. This case is closed.
9/03/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/03/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/03/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Concord Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be excessive body spray. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/03/21-Missing Property: A student reported their Apple AirPods missing from Hopwood Hall. This case was turned over to RMU Detectives. The case is pending.
9/04/21-Theft of Property: A visiting volleyball coach reported their iPhone 12 was stolen from the UPMC Events Center. The phone was pinged in Coraopolis. This case is under investigation. The case is pending.
9/04/21-Medical Emergency: RMU Police were advised by Moon Dispatch of a student possibly experiencing alcohol poisoning. Officers responded along with Residence Life. The medics transported the student to the hospital. The student will be sent through student conduct for violating the alcohol policy. The case is closed.
9/04/21-Lost Property: A student reported their car keys and iPhone missing after Bobby Mania. The keys were turned into the Barry Center and the student was notified. They also located their iPhone. This case is closed.
9/05/21-Suspicious Incident: RMU Police received a complaint of nails spread across the Yorktown Hall Parking Lot. Officers responded and were unable to locate the nails. Residence Life reported that most of the nails were already picked up. Detectives are investigating. The case is closed.
9/05/21-Fire Alarm-False Alarm: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Monroe Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be smoke from a vape pen. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/06/21-Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was cancelled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/06/21-Departmental Information: Officers were conducting patrols of campus and observed students drinking at the volleyball courts. They were advised they can only drink in their rooms. They were compliant and left the courts. This case is closed.
9/06/21-Found Property: A student reported to RMU Police they noticed a set of car keys in a door parked at Yorktown Hall. Officers went to retrieve the keys and ran the vehicle registration to identify the owner. The student was informed by email and picked up the keys at the Barry Center. The case is closed.