Police Blotter: 9/20/2022 – 9/26/2022
Photo Credit: (RMU Sentry Media/Alexa Headley)
September 30, 2022
9/20/22: Fire Alarm-False Activation: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in the Hale Center. Officers responded and found the cause to be a water flow alarm. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was on scene. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/20/22: Fire Alarm-False Activation: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Massey Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be false. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was on scene. The panel was reset. Granau was testing the system. This case is closed.
9/20/22: Harassment by Communication: Student reported receiving numerous texts from an unknown number. They blocked the number from their phone. This report was generated to document this incident. The case is closed.
9/20/22: Departmental Information: Student dropped off personal property for safekeeping. A property receipt was completed and the item was placed in an evidence locker. This case is closed.
9/20/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Concord Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be a student cooking chicken. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/20/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be a student cooking chicken. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/21/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be a student cooking. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/21/22: Fire Alarm-False Activation: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be unknown. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. This case is closed.
9/21/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be student cooking quesadillas. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/21/22: Medical Emergency: RMU Island Sports Center Public Safety Officer was notified of a medical emergency in the Olympic Arena. The patient was evaluated and transported to the hospital by medics. This case is closed.
9/22/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/22/22: Departmental Information: RMU Police stood by while Dean Michalenko spoke to a student. This case is closed.
9/22/22: Assist Other Police/ EMS Agency: A student reported a medical emergency in Hamilton Hall. Officers responded and notified medics. The student was evaluated and transported to the hospital by Valley Ambulance. The case is closed.
9/23/22: Criminal Mischief: A student reported their vehicle was damaged at Yorktown Hall or the Washington Gravel Lot. All pertinent information and pictures were obtained for insurance purposes. This case is closed.
9/23/22: Departmental Information: RMU Island Sports Center Public Safety Officer was notified of a medical emergency outside the Olympic Arena. The patient was evaluated by an onsite medic. The case is closed.
9/23/22: Departmental Information: A caller requested a welfare check on a student. Officers and Residence Life responded to Marshall Hall. They made contact with the student in their dorm. This case is closed.
9/24/22: Fire Alarm-Smoke Detector Activated: Guardian Protection reported a fire alarm activation in Salem Hall. Officers responded and found the cause to be steam from the shower. RMU Maintenance was notified. The fire department was canceled. The panel was reset. The case is closed.
9/24/22: Disturbance/Loud Music or People: Residence Life reported a noise complaint in Madison Hall. Officers responded and met with Res Life staff. Officers discovered the noise was students playing video games. This case is closed.
9/25/22: Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana: Residence Life reported a smell of marijuana in Hamilton Hall. Officers responded and met with Res Life staff. One student will be sent through student conduct for violating the drug policy. The case is closed.
9/26/22: Found Property: A set of car keys were found in the Business School. They were logged into Lost and Found. This case is closed.
9/26/22: Title IX: A student completed a voluntary statement to document incidents they had with another student. This report was generated to document this incident. Title IX was advised. The case is closed.