President Joe Biden visits Pittsburgh to discuss infrastructure
Joe Biden visits Carnegie Mellon’s Mill 19 on Friday to discuss his infrastructure bill. (Photo Credit, Grayden Jackson)
WEST MIFFLIN Pa. — 46th President of the United States Joe Biden visited the city of Pittsburgh Friday to discuss his $1.6 billion infrastructure bill.
Biden’s presence in the state began hours before arriving at Carnegie Mellon Mill 19. On his way into the state, the Frick Park Bridge collapsed injuring many. After landing in Pittsburgh, Biden decided to join in City of Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey and other officials at the site. Biden began his speech by reflecting on the situation: “We saw today when a bridge is in disrepair it literally can threaten lives… And we’re going to rebuild that bridge along with thousands of other bridges… That’s part of how we’re going to build a better America.”
Mill 19 at Carnegie Mellon University was originally a steel mill. This once deserted structure has since been converted into a testing and manufacturing facility for innovative technology. This facility represents the steps the United States has taken to restore and create new jobs. Making his third trip to Mill 19, President Joe Biden once again visited the facility on Jan. 28 to discuss his plans to expand U.S. infrastructure.
Biden outlined his plan to allocate billions of dollars to the repair and creation of American infrastructure. With a large emphasis on helping the middle class, Biden said, “making it in America, with American manufacturing and easing the financial burdens on millions of families. That’s the same vision I laid out once again when I was here in Pittsburgh.” Biden explained local manufacturing in the US creates new jobs and lowers costs.
In addition, there are opportunities for city growth and development. Biden also commented on providing healthcare to those in need, hoping to give care to those who can not afford it or are unable to give it to their family. He emphasized the negative effects unaffordable care can have on a household.
Finishing out his speech, Biden created confidence for the future, he said, “There’s no limit to what we can achieve let’s face the challenges head on, let’s keep building a better America”.
He exited the podium shaking hands and taking photographs with those in the audience.