The transition fromspring break back to school is a tough one, and this year this transition happens to occur on St. Patrick’s Day. This holiday is notorious for being a fun-filled one and typically involves going out and/or alcohol. At RMU, Residence Hall Association (RHA) is offering an additional option to celebrate by hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Party on March 17 at 8p.m. in Yorktown Hall. The party will be held in the Ferris Ballroom, which is located next to the Iron City Grille. The event will feature a non-alcoholic mock tail contest, costume contest, music and dancing, food, and prizes. RHA is also working with the Iron City Grille to offer drink specials for students over the age of 21.
There will be plenty going on, but the main event is the mock tail contest. This contest offers students a chance to win up to $150, while showing off their mixing skills at the same time. Teams can sign up by e-mailing [email protected] with a team name and a team captain’s name, email, and phone number. Registration is open until Wednesday, March 13th at 5p.m.
Teams will then have to get creative, and it all starts with brainstorming a recipe. Teams must select non-alcoholic ingredients and develop the best tasting mock-tail possible, then make it even more appealing by giving it a unique name. Teams are responsible for purchasing all of the ingredients and other materials for their table. RHA will supply the sample size cups for the drink, but it is recommended the team have enough to serve 100 people with two ounce cups.
This contest is about more than just the drinks though; added creativity will also play a factor and could win some teams prizes. A $25 prize will be given to the best tasting mock tail, a $25 prize will be given for the most unique mock tail and a $25 prize will be given for the best display. Voting will be done by students attending the party, but there will also be faculty/staff judges to decide the winner. The team with the best overall mock tail wins a grand prize of $150.
RHA’s goal for this event is to provide students a safe and fun way for students to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as they come back to campus after break and encourage as many to attend as possible.