Earlier in the semester, the entire student body was surveyed about the level of need and desire for a new recreation center. The survey informed students that this new addition would come at a cost of approximately an additional $50-$100 fee each semester in order to build and maintain this facility. 1,116 students voiced their opinions on the survey and results were released today per e-mail from Student Government Association President Alan Buehler.
The first component of the survey covered the frequency of use of the Jefferson Center, the recreation area currently available to students. 67% of the respondents said that they exercise at least several times per week using the equipment made available to them at the Jefferson Center.
Of those that responded, 64% felt it was important that a new and improved center was build. Whether or not to build a new facility was not the only question that was asked of the students however, they were also asked what should be included if Robert Morris University was to build a new Recreation Center. 69% agreed that it should include multi-purpose courts, an indoor track, a cardio room, a weight room, group exercise studios, a commuter lounge, racquetball courts, and a student programming space.
Though tuition increase often causes gripes among students, 69.5% of respondents agreed that the would be willing to pay a fee each semester while they are enrolled to build the facility.
The fact that a majority of the students responded positively to the idea of a new recreation center and see a need for one drew the attention of the university’s administration. Buehler took time to sit down with President Dell’Omo to discuss what the survey’s results showed. The departments of the university involved were sent the results and information to be viewed before they begin to implement any kind of plan.
The e-mail explicitly stated the fee will not be put into place for the Fall 2013 semester, and the building is not expected to be built within the upcoming academic year. The initiative for a new recreation center was called a “priority” for the administration in the coming year, with discussions and plans reportedly in progress. On behalf of SGA, Buehler thanked the students for their participation in the survey and assured them that their comments are being taken into consideration.