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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

All content by Kristin Garrard

Snow Day: School Cancellations

Kristin Garrard, Moon News Cloud Contributor January 30, 2014

Weather cancellations have become an all too familiar occurrence this school year.  Snow, ice, and dangerously low temperatures have caused Moon Township schools and hundreds others to shut down for at least one day. Road conditions are a leading...

Flu Season: Stopping the Spread

Kristin Garrard, Moon News Cloud Contributor January 28, 2014

Tis’ the season for runny noses, achy bodies and uncontrollable fevers.  It is the dreaded flu season and thousands of people are taking precaution by getting the H1N1 vaccine or by trying to stay healthy. Because the flu can hit seniors especially...