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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

All content by Morgan Torchia
Women's Basketball vs La Salle

Women’s Basketball vs La Salle

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia November 13, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="560" gal_title="Womens Basketball vs La Salle"]

Journalism under fire

[Video] Journalism under fire

Morgan Torchia October 4, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="517" gal_title="Journalism under fire"]

Airband 2018

Airband 2018

Morgan Torchia, Contributor April 15, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="472" gal_title="Airband 2018"]

Men's Hockey: Semi-Finals vs Mercyhurst

Men’s Hockey: Semi-Finals vs Mercyhurst

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia March 16, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="421" gal_title="Semi finals Mens Hockey"]

Photo Credit: Samuel Anthony

Women’s Basketball: NEC Championship vs Saint Francis

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="419" gal_title="Womens Basketball: NEC Championship vs Saint Francis"]

Women's Basketball: RMU vs Wagner

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Wagner

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia March 3, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="415" gal_title="Womens Basketball: RMU vs Wagner"]

Viral horse and owner visit RMU

Internet-famous horse and owner visit RMU

Morgan Torchia, Contributor February 14, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="395" gal_title="Horse on Campus"]

Women's Basketball: RMU vs Central Connecticut

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Central Connecticut

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia January 30, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="376" gal_title="Womens Basketball: RMU vs Central Connecticut"]

Women's Basketball: RMU vs Bryant

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Bryant

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia January 29, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="374" gal_title="Womens Basketball: RMU vs Bryant -2"]

Photo credit: Morgan Torchia

Women’s Hockey: RMU vs Penn State

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia January 27, 2018

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="370" gal_title="Womens Hockey: RMU vs Penn State-2"]

Forward Megan Smith is averaging 10.5 points per game this season for the Colonials.

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Lafayette

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia December 9, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="368" gal_title="Womens Basketball: RMU vs Lafayette"]

Women's Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant

Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant

Morgan Torchia, Contributor November 11, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="358" gal_title="Womens Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant"]

Women's Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant

Women’s Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant

Morgan Torchia, Contributor November 11, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="358" gal_title="Womens Volleyball: RMU vs Bryant"]

Bringing the Blues to RMU featured live performances from local singers and musical talent.

Bringing the Blues to RMU

Morgan Torchia, Contributor November 6, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="354" gal_title="Bringing the Blues to RMU"]

Therapets visit RMU as a way for students to relieve stress during the busy semester.

Therapets Visit RMU

Morgan Torchia, Contributor September 21, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="185" gal_title="Therapets"]

Women's Lacrosse: RMU vs Central Connecticut

Women’s Lacrosse: RMU vs Central Connecticut

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia April 21, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="168" gal_title="Womens Lacrosse: RMU vs Central Connecticut"]

Varsity University

Varsity University

Morgan Torchia, Contributor March 20, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="152" gal_title="Varsity University"]

Winter Storm Stella in New York City

Winter Storm Stella in New York City

Morgan Torchia, Chief Photographer March 15, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="149" gal_title="Winter Storm Stella in NYC"]

Women's Basketball: NEC Semifinals

Women’s Basketball: NEC Semifinals

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia March 8, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="141" gal_title="Womens Basketball: NEC Semifinals"]

Women's Basketball: NEC Quarterfinals

Women’s Basketball: NEC Quarterfinals

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia March 5, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="140" gal_title="Womens Basketball: NEC Quarterfinals"]

Women's Lacrosse: RMU vs Detroit-Mercy

Women’s Lacrosse: RMU vs Detroit-Mercy

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia March 4, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="139" gal_title="Womens Lacrosse: RMU vs Detroit-Mercy"]

Women's Basketball: RMU vs Fairleigh Dickinson

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Fairleigh Dickinson

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia February 28, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="138" gal_title="Womens Volleyball: RMU vs Fairleigh Dickinson"]

Women's Basketball: RMU vs Sacred Heart

Women’s Basketball: RMU vs Sacred Heart

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia February 25, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="134" gal_title="Womens Basketball: RMU vs Sacred Heart"]

Women's Lacrosse: RMU vs St Mary's

Women’s Lacrosse: RMU vs St Mary’s

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia February 25, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="132" gal_title="Womens Lacrosse: RMU vs St Mary]

Black Expressions: Open Mic Night

Black Expressions: Open Mic Night

Morgan Torchia, Chief Photographer February 22, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="130" gal_title="Black Expressions: Open Mic Night"]

Faculty Gallery

Faculty Gallery

Morgan Torchia, Photo Manager February 8, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="111" gal_title="Faculty Gallery"]

Rooney Scholar Lecture

Rooney Scholar Lecture

Morgan Torchia, Photographer February 1, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="107" gal_title="Rooney Scholar Lecture"]

RMU began the season with a 15-11 setback at Penn State Saturday.

Men’s Lacrosse Exhibition Game

Morgan Torchia and Morgan Torchia January 30, 2017

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="106" gal_title="Mens Lacrosse Exhibition Game"]

Veterans Day Breakfast 2016

Veterans Day Breakfast 2016

Morgan Torchia, Chief Photographer November 13, 2016

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="81" gal_title="Veterans Day Breakfast 2016"]

Photo credit: Paul Wintruba

Robert Morris University professor retires

Morgan Torchia and Tori Flick April 1, 2016

Robert Morris University professor Lynn Foolson announced today that she will be retiring at the end of the semester. Professor Foolson has been teaching Economics at Robert Morris for the past 25 years. She graduated from Westine University with a...

2016 Gold Show

Morgan Torchia, Multimedia Editor March 21, 2016

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="32" gal_title="2016 Gold Show"]

Therapets March 2nd 2016

Morgan Torchia and Tori Flick March 2, 2016

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="30" gal_title="Therapets March 2nd 2016"]

Robert Morris Business Week

Morgan Torchia, James Coulibaly February 22, 2016

RMU Hosts Mobile Museum

Morgan Torchia, Chief Photographer February 15, 2016

RMU Men’s Basketball 2-11-16

Morgan Torchia and Sam Predebon February 15, 2016

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="25" gal_title="RMU Basketball Feb. 11th 2016"]

RMU Basketball 2-11-16

Morgan Torchia and Sam Predebon February 15, 2016

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="25" gal_title="RMU Basketball Feb. 11th 2016"]

Black Friday: Why Prepping for One Holiday has Erased Another

Black Friday: Why Prepping for One Holiday has Erased Another

Morgan Torchia November 25, 2015

When November rolls around, the first thought on everyone’s mind used to be “Thanksgiving,” meaning a time to be thankful and spend time with friends and family. Unfortunately, in today’s society, the first thought on everyone’s mind has shifted...

Robert Morris Band sends a taste of home overseas

Robert Morris Band sends a taste of home overseas

Morgan Torchia November 10, 2015
The Robert Morris University Show Band has taken on a special task to send some joy to the troops overseas. Up until December, the band will be collecting Oreos for a cause called Operation Oreo. The idea behind the collection is to send the cookies to the military as a small reminder of what's back home.
Family weekend kicks off with 8th annual Oktoberfest

Family weekend kicks off with 8th annual Oktoberfest

Morgan Torchia October 25, 2015
Despite the weather going from as cold as winter to as warm as summer over the past couple weeks, Robert Morris University still kept the fall spirit alive with their annual Oktoberfest.
Photo credit: Tori Flick

The Book Rocket helps students find the best deals

Morgan Torchia October 12, 2015

A new company that launched last year is starting to make a name for itself on many college campuses across the country. The company “The Book Rocket," created by Shey Baesler and co-founded by Charlie Offenbacher, is a website created to help...

Alpha Chi Rho Hosts Third Annual Warrior Mike 5K

Alpha Chi Rho Hosts Third Annual Warrior Mike 5K

Morgan Torchia September 28, 2015
The brothers of Alpha Chi Rho hosted their third annual Warrior Mike 5K Saturday morning in honor of their fraternity brother, Michael Fraser.
RMU campus gets needed updates

RMU campus gets needed updates

Morgan Torchia, Staff Writer September 17, 2015

Over the summer, construction began on the Patrick Henry Building at Robert Morris University. Now as construction draws to a close, students and faculty can put the new alterations to use. One of the major changes was to the Academic Media Center...

[Video] Colonials make history

Morgan Torchia, Staff Reporter August 30, 2015

Students and faculty all across the Robert Morris University campus were able to put their old t-shirts to use yesterday on the Nicholson lawn. RMU came together as the university broke the Guinness World Record for “The World’s Longest Chain of T-Shirts.” The...

John Locke locks down orientation activities

Morgan Torchia, Staff Reporter August 20, 2015

If anyone outside of the freshman class is excited about orientation week, it has to be John Locke. Locke, director of student activities and leadership development at Robert Morris University, is adamant about helping the freshman feel at home when...