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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

All content by Yulia Vasilyeva

Collegiate interior design: Stripper pole?

Yulia Vasilyeva, Assistant Ad Manager October 10, 2012

The residents of Washington C4 had a living room design that impressed everybody with its uniqueness. A disco ball, flashing lights, strobe light and stripper pole made the room look like a night club. However, the Office of Residence Life banned this...

Musical theater jazz class: All about fun

Yulia Vasilyeva, Staff Writer April 29, 2012

Tired of sitting in classes? Bored of presentations, papers, projects, and other homework? If you want to take a class that is all about fun, musical theater jazz class is your best choice. It is getting more and more popular. The opportunities to...

A different look at Robert Morris

Yulia Vasilyeva, Staff Writer February 29, 2012

When you meet new friends at RMU, right after you tell them your name, your year, and your major you often face the question “how did you end up here?” We are all here for different reasons whether it is because we had a scholarship for sports,...

Disney world: a place to go!

Yulia Vasilyeva, Staff Writer February 16, 2012

As my friends and I were waiting on the 6:15 a.m. bus to Orlando, we could not stop thinking about the excitement that awaited us in Disney World. Visiting Disney World was one of my childhood dreams, and I was finally going. Even at my age, I found...

Americanization: Embracing the American character


One of the most powerful and richest countries in the world, the United States, has seemed to have an influence on the people who migrate there, and it seems like a lot of the immigrants are Americanizing. Being a sophomore, international student at...

Problematic policies for underage drinking

Yulia Vasilyeva, Staff Writer December 12, 2011

The United States is one of the five countries across the world with the pldest drinking age. Unlike a number of other countries, underage drinkers in the United States face austere disciplinary actions. Students can get busted on campus for underage...

Healthcare in the United States

Yulia Vasilyeva, Staff Writer December 4, 2011

A couple of days ago, I saw the pay check for a diagnosis test for appendicitis. The patient did not receive any real help, it was just an examination, that costs $10,000. As usual, the patient went to get a test of some sort in a hospital and...

Kazakh students get a taste of home

Yulia Vasilyeva, Contributor December 1, 2011

Here, in the United States, Kazakh students celebrate their country holidays the same way they do at home or even better. The 20th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan celebration on Nov. 3 was the biggest event created by Kazakh Student Association...

Firm laws in Saudi Arabia

Yulia Vasilyeva, Contributor November 14, 2011

According to an article on, in October 2010, a 55-year-old man legally married a 12 years old girl in Saudi Arabia. On a report made by ABC News, five women were arrested for driving. Moreover, consuming alcohol or engaging in sexual activity...

Pittsburgh area university students create new Kazakh society

Yulia Vasilyeva, Contributor October 18, 2011

In an effort to promote a sense of community among Kazakhs in the Pittsburgh area, Kazakh students from Robert Morris University, University of Pitt, Carnegie Mellon University, and people who came here through a job exchange program decided to create...