Hearing Gabbie Hanna “Out Loud”

Maura Linehan

Gabbie Hanna, a YouTube star and native of Pittsburgh, released her first song on Sept. 6, 2017. This song comes at a busy time for Hanna who is planning to release her new book, “adultolescence,” on Sept. 19.

Her new song, “Out Loud,” seems to tell the story of a romance now lost. The lyrics reflect on how what was once so real is now more like a memory, “you’re just a ghost now.” In some ways, it makes you feel like she is still haunted by those memories—more of a specter that lingers in her life.

Photo credit: The Gabbie Show

With this song appearing so close to her book’s release, it is hard not to link the theme of the song to the description of what she is publishing. Reportedly containing Hanna’s original poems, the book will provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the private thoughts and feelings that lie behind her public persona. In a YouTube video, she described her poems as having emotions of their own; they could be happy or sad—reflecting how she felt as she was writing them.

Hanna’s first videos appeared on Vine, which is the medium that first brought her to the wider public’s attention, and it is what launched her career. Like so many others, she moved to the YouTube platform and currently posts a video, “The Gabbie Show,” each week on Wednesday. With over 4.8 million followers, it is not surprising that the YouTube video for “Out Loud” already has over 3 million views—a huge number for a singer’s first effort.

Personally, I don’t hate the song. I think the lyrics are well thought out, it has a solid song structure, and it is technically quite good. Her singing provides the proper emotional edge to the song, but since this is not something she does all the time, there is room for her vocal talents to improve. I’ve listened to “Out Loud” several times over multiple days for this review, and I now have the lyrics stuck in my head—clearly, she understands how to deliver a pop hook.

With this song now serving as the latest addition to her media portfolio, there can be little doubt of Hanna’s creative talents, and it demonstrates her ability to market herself and leverage the following she has created. I will continue to listen and watch; my guess is that the future will continue to be entertaining. If you want to listen for yourself, the song is currently available through iTunes.