Media Arts Gallery Assistant Needed
Katherine Behar’s interactive installation, “Anonymous Autonomous”, was on display in the Wheatley Gallery from February 13th to March 3rd, 2018 prompting many students to attend and participate in her gallery design.
The Media Arts Gallery is looking for a new gallery assistant this semester. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.
“We are looking for someone motivated, dependable with good organizational skills. Knowledge of hand tools and photography is an added bonus, but not required,” Professor Christine Holtz said.
Students will be asked to work 7-15 hours per week, Tuesday – Friday from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and at least one evening per week.
“This is a paid work-study position; students will learn how to install work, meet artists/ guests and get paid to work on your assignments,” Holtz said.
Professor Holtz also shares why she thinks students should get involved with the arts gallery.
“Arts inspires your imagination. It also helps increase memory. In the past, gallery assistants have helped install exhibitions and curate shows. A significant portion of this role is gallery sitting, protecting work currently on display, and answering questions of guests,” Holtz said.
Any further questions can be directed to Professor Christine Holtz – [email protected] or Professor Andrew Ames – [email protected].