F.A.M.E. PR and The Garner Circle

My second session of the day on Saturday was probably one of my favorites. F.A.M.E. PR, which stands for fashion/beauty, arts, music and entertainment public relations. The session speaker was Nicole Garner CEO of The Garner Circle LLC. She has also recently written a book Are You In Inc, which I cannot wait to read! Nicole herself is an amazing role model for any young and hopeful public relations practitioner. Nicole was the most informative speaker out of all those I heard throughout my Saturday sessions. She told us about websites to help us track our social media influence (Klout.com) and how to look at how many visits a site or blog gets (Quantcast.com). I have never heard of either of these, so I am interested in going to them and seeing what my influence is from a social media standpoint. Nicole also gave us pointers on press releases and where they are heading with the new age of social networking. Through a website called Pitchengine.com public relations practitioners can make their press releases “social” and share them with the public faster, easier and more efficiently. Nicole also gave tips for getting clients in the entertainment world out there. She said that up and coming entertainers need to blog, they need followers, they need publicity and they need an audience. Nicole was a great presenter; she knows what we are going through as students, since she was once in our shoes. She sympathized with us, which is why I think that I enjoyed her presentation so much.